Though we provide photo booth rentals for occasions of any size, it is always exciting when we to get to join in the frenzy and fun of an event hosting over 3500 people! Recently, we had the privilege of bringing our services to the thousands of people who participated in the Beautycounter 2018 Leadership Summit, held at The Armory in our beloved home city of Minneapolis.


Each backdrop for the event was a custom-made creation from event production and design house Maven and added just the right flair for this special occasion. Two of the backdrops utilized solid white backgrounds with balloon letter messages, while the other two were fresh floral walls. Each of the backdrops highlighted some of the Beautycounter themes, such as “Be Counter”, “Beauty Should Be Good For You”, “No Secrets Added”, and lastly, the company title “Beautycounter.”


With so many consultants participating in the event (and due to having photo booth areas in multiple areas of the venue), our cameras were constantly clicking, capturing the enthusiasm of the guests for the entire five hours that we were there!


For the hosting company, these photo booths were a great way to spread excitement at the event, as well as act as a marketing tool to spread awareness of their brand. First, each person who participated in one of the four photo booths received an instant print of their images to keep as a souvenir from the Leadership Summit. These images showcased a collage of pictures from their session, as well as the Beautycounter title and event name. Also, thanks to our social media station, each guest could instantly share these collage prints with their friends and acquaintances on a variety of social media platforms.


This Summit was a prime example of how our photo booth rentals can assist any event in capturing the joy of its guests and providing a great source of entertainment, all while promoting a brand both during and after the event’s conclusion. For more information on how we can bring a custom-designed photo booth to your next gathering, contact us today!